Moon Jae-in

More than half of young people disapprove of President Moon Jae-in, a poll suggests. But even fewer of them have any affection for the conservative Liberty Korea Party, leaving them with nothing much to choose from in April's general election.

In the poll of 1,009 people aged 19-29 nationwide by pollster Embrain for the Munhwa Ilbo released Wednesday, a whopping 55.9 percent of respondents disapproved of Moon.

Some 41.5 percent approved of him. A substantial 29.4 percent of those who had approved of him in the past have become disillusioned.

Only 31.5 percent showed unwavering support for Moon, 10 percent now support him though they did not in the past, and 26.5 percent said they have never supported him.

Some 19.5 percent of those who disapproved cited Moon's inept handling of inter-Korean relations and general diplomacy. Fifteen percent cited his failed real-estate price curbs and 13.9 percent of his "income-led" growth policy including drastic raise of the minimum wage.

An overwhelming 75.9 percent want sanctions against North Korea to stay in place until the crackpot country denuclearizes.

But the largest proportion or 49.5 percent said they now have no party to support at all. Some 26.9 percent supported the ruling Minjoo Party, but that was still about three times as many as supporters of the LKP (nine percent).

Even worse fared the hard-left Justice Party (5.2 percent), the splinter New Conservative Party (3.7 percent), and the centrist Bareun Mirae Party (3.2 percent).